Monday, April 27, 2009

April Showers Bring May Flowers

So be prepared with these current umbrella specials!

The Open

Auto open 58” arc golf umbrella with fiberglass shaft and ribs. Duraflex construction. Vented to withstand wind gusts up to 50mph without inverting. Rubber spray, pistol-grip handle. Includes matching nylon sleeve.

The Mulligan

64” arc golf umbrella with large canopy. Unique shaft offers the strength of fiberglass with the elegance of a wood grain look. Wood hourglass handle and fiberglass ribs make this umbrella a great value! Duraflex construction with a wind proof feature. Available in over 20 colors.


Sport Golf

60” arc economy golf umbrella. Steel shaft and double steel ribs. Straight wood handle. Wind proof feature for extra durability in high winds. A super value!
